I’m a fashion designer since 1978 and I’ve created “GIULIANA VERTUA” brand in order to combine my creativity to the needs of a dynamic and hectic daily routine. The idea was to create a line of practical and robust  bags, but also fanciful, that could suit from the classiest to the sportiest look.

My bags are completely hand made with  recycled denim and top quality materials. For this reason, each product is unique and unrepeatable. If you would like to customise your bag, if you have colour or size preferences, if you want your own flag… Let the gallery inspire you and contact me!

In the gallery you will also find a variety of products (shopper bags, crochet sweaters, outwears) that are not available for direct purchase but that I can custom make for you, you just have to contact me.

Do you have a old pair of jeans you can’t be separated from? Why don’t we transform them in your  dream bag? For more info, see contact.

The bags that are directly purchasable on this website are divided into collections. In order to help you in the choice of the bag that is just right for you, here you find a brief description of each collection.

Prato Fiorito

Denim bags with applied primroses and leaves. Happy, bright spring colors for "Flora" and "Fiorella"!

In Viaggio

Flax and denim bags, capacious and resistant. They are "Icaria" and "Icaro"  (the sporty sister of Icaria). Due to their dimension and flexibility, they are perfect to be the "extra hand baggage" on flights. Once you land, they can switch to beach bags!


Bags realized entirely in blue, red, green denim. The most typical spring colors for a  look chic!

Bandiere dal Mondo

Union Jack or Star-Spangled Banner, here you will find bags that are inspired by the most popular flags.  Are you a patriotic and do you want your own flag? Contact me!

Inizio di Primavera

Hand dyed denim bags, for a delicate and clean look   

Leggera est

Highly customizable bags, each one different from the other , designed to accompany you during summer months

Luce e Stelle

Entirely hand embroidered bags for those who love sequins and crystals



Matching charms for each one of the bags you will find on the website. Usable as key chains or simply to add another touch of originality to your bag

Denim e Legno

Denim bag entirely covered with crochet and carved wood beads